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She's Fearfully and Wonderfully Made but not Me

Hello dear friends, today I feel compelled to share with you the verse that has been the hardest for me to believe after I became a follower of Christ.

This verse is one of my favorite verses to speak over others including my children and those I do life with. Yet, this has been the hardest for me to believe about myself.

The verse is Psalm 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works, and I know this very well.”

I have wanted to believe this verse but for some reason it’s been so very hard to. You see, girls, my circumstances and mind have screamed at me, “You can’t do this. Someone else could do it better.”

And then there’s my kingdom-oriented hopes and dreams. It literally feels like I have so much passion, so much zeal for the Lord, and I don’t physically or mentally have the ability to carry out many of those dreams and desires.

So you know what, I’m simply asking the Lord to help me to believe that He created me exactly how He wanted and that He will change anything about me as I cooperate with Him in the process of sanctification.

And girls, I continue to see that as we let go of what we think He has for us, He will show us the Ephesians 2:10 works He created us for.

Ask Him to show you and He will. This may surprise you as it may be very small things, like a conversation around your dinner table or speaking life over someone in the throes of depression and not judging them or sitting with a friend who’s struggling or just doing the dishes for your parents so they can have a break.

We often want to save the world and He wants us to do as Mother Teresa said “small things with great love.”

The phrase that the Holy Spirit continues to whisper to my spirit is, “teach them to fall in love with Jesus.”

What keeps happening is as I share my real, hard life stuff, the stuff that makes me feel crazy and wrong, often the person I’m speaking to can relate in crazy ways because I truly believe it’s the Holy Spirit at work, and then over time I get the opportunity to tell them about the Jesus Christ, my Savior I have fallen in love with and how He met me and will meet them. This isn’t in preaching to the masses, it’s in ordinary every-day life things.

So, girls, I’m done. I’m done believing the enemy, the Father of lies. I’m done trying to figure out what God has for me. I’m done trying to be something I’m not and I’m resting in Jesus and what He’s done for me, who He says I am, and I am trusting that “He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.” (Philippians 1:6 )

I don’t know if you struggle to believe that God made you how He did for a reason. Many of you have been told there’s something wrong with you or maybe you’ve just felt out of place all your life. I don’t know your circumstances, words that have been spoken over you, but dear girls, I would encourage you today to ask God to show you how He sees you and help you to believe He created you how He did for a reason and to say “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it.” (Psalm 139:14 NIV version)

Maybe like me, you need to say, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.” And you know what daughters of the King, He will. You just have to ask Him to.

Maybe like me you need to spend some time meditating on Psalm 139:14 and ask the Lord to sink this truth deep into your heart.

Dear ones, let him sing over you today and remind you who He is and who you are, His Beloved daughter who is truly marvelous and wonderfully complex!

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