
Feb 16, 20213 min

Love is Kind and Dance Parties

Love is Kind and Dance Parties

Hi sweet friends! We are continuing to walk our way through 1 Corinthians 13 and learning about what love truly is. Let’s jump in as we read three short but profound words today about love.

Love is kind.

Is this what we see in our world today? No, it’s not the norm sweet girls. Here’s the thing though, it’s how the Bible, the Word for us to live by for all time, tells us how to be and it’s for our good, sweet girls. It brings us life!

“Kind words are like honey sweet to the soul.” (Proverbs 16:24)

And girls, when we are kind to others, it fills us with joy because we are living the way God has instructed us and designed us to live. This is just one way we are invited into living the abundant life that Jesus offers us.

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Girls, I truly believe in a lot of ways this is simpler than we think. Perhaps, we have overcomplicated being kind and sharing Christ’s love. I truly believe there are so many small ways that we can show God’s love to those around us, both to our sisters and brothers in Christ and the ones who don’t know Christ, through our simple acts of kindness.

And here’s the thing, since this isn’t the norm in our world, these simple acts of kindness set us apart, dear girls, and give us an opportunity to share about the Gospel and how it’s changed our life.

Through simple acts of kindness, we may have the opportunity to share why we are different and ultimately about the one we love, Jesus. As Mother Teresa said, “Do small things with great love.”

Similarly, Theodore Roosevelt said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Being kind is truly caring for people. This is not viewing a person as a project or just trying to “fix” someone or “save” someone. Girls, we can’t save anyone. Only Jesus can, but we can love them.

Girls, this is seeing every person on planet Earth as a masterpiece, the crown of God’s creation and looking for ways to love and show kindness to them. We are to look for opportunities to show kindness and love to each other because we have experienced God’s loving kindness that we don’t deserve.

People will truly know we are God’s daughters by our love and small acts of kindness can open the door for us to tell about God’s great love for all people. Girls, kindness truly can change the world because kindness opens a door to sharing the Good News of the Gospel. Girls, I don’t know about you but this makes me want to jump up and down and have a dance party! Sharing God’s love is not as complicated as we think. Go be kind to someone today and pray for God to open a door for you to share the Good News of the Gospel. I truly believe He will!

“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

(John 13:35)

“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them.” (Romans 12:9)

Reflection and Questions

  1. Take some time to meditate (think about) God’s kindness to you as His daughter.

  2. Is there someone that’s hard for you to be kind to? Pray for this person and ask God for opportunities to show kindness to them?

  3. What is one way you can be kind to those around you?

  4. Pick your favorite worship song and have a dance party worshipping God for His kindness to you!
